Ahhhh To Tuesday!!?

on 6/20/16 9:51 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi I have had a very busy busy week! Taking care of a very rambunkous two yr old! And nursing a c section momma, with a new born and plus now my daughter has mastitis and is having problems nursing my week went to hell in a hand basket! I want to eat everything in site!!!

Henson's Briss is tomorrow afternoon! My son in Law's mother thinks it's her show and won't let me invite any of my side of the family! I got so pussed at her! I told her point blank, this isn't the P

hylis show! I have relatives asking me when is the Briss? We they can't come it's only immediate family! I'm paying for it! I argued til Ivwas blue in the face and told her off and went behind her back and paid for most of the food!!! 

Then my sister said we will just have a family dinner at  later in the day and invite the family extended cousins.

Well this morning Jareds mom apologized to me! I guess her daughter lite into her! But still no invite to my family!

But that's the way she plays!

Talk on I'll check back when I can!



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(deactivated member)
on 6/21/16 6:45 am

Carla  how terrible!! Family dynamics are so hard to understand.  What should be a joyous celebration of life becomes divisive.  I hope it all works out for you.

I have been packing ever since I got home from Atlanta.  In the process I culled my closet and organized it as well.  When I leave here Thursday I will have my car loaded for Arkansas, Dallas, and Wyoming.  I will look like the Beverly Hillbillies.  John will meet me in Dallas and we will convoy from there to Cody. It is so hot here.  When I landed in Houston Saturday afternoon it was 98 degrees and I won't even mention the humidity. 

I am still following plan and hope to meet my coming month's goal.

Best to all today.  Eat mindfully and move a little or a lot.

on 6/21/16 8:01 am

Hey Carla and Linda and those that follow,

It is hot...I mean really, really hot. 

Carla, I have a sil who is exactly the same way; she is abrasive and divisive and ends up alienating half the people in her life. I hate that this is being done to your family but she is the one who looks bad. 

Linda, the heat is killing me too.  We are in the middle of a heat wave; it's so hot as soon as I walk outside, the heat takes my breath. 

Breakfast for me today was loaded oatmeal. I brought tuna for lunch but no fork, no bowl, nothing....so if I eat it, I will eat it out of a can. 

Dinner tonight is going to be potato soup.  The kids will have pizza. 

I am looking so forward to yoga...I slept in a very bad position and my back really needs a good stretch...

Ladies, peace...move, eat smart, and drink the water.   


Eileen Briesch
on 6/21/16 1:27 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Sorry I haven't checked in lately. Busy with work, etc. And too tired to do much else. Today I got up way too early (6 a.m.) and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and had coffee and breakfast. Then I took a nap, then I got ready to go grocery shopping. I went out early and beat the heat. I was still all sweaty by the time I got home. I got home at 11 a.m., put away the groceries and had lunch, then took another nap. I'm still tired. I walked around Meijer for about an hour. 

Carla, that's lousy about Jared's mother and the way she's treating you. Your family should be invited to the bris too. 

Talked to mom today and she's all happy that my nephew called my brother on Father Day's. We were concerned that he wasn't going to get a call. In fact, I was so concerned I sent a facebook message to his wife ... she told me they had been moving that day and yes, he would call his dad. I don't usually meddle like that, but Gary was so sad because he got nothing on Father's Day (other than the card I gave him from the cat). But eventually, he got a phone call and talked to his son and grandson, and Gary was all excited talking about that call. So if I helped that along, I'm happy.

Not much else going on. I have clothes in the dryer and I'm just hanging out here relaxing. It's my day off. I don't have any plans. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 6/21/16 2:12 pm
VSG on 08/11/14

Hi Ladies,

I was up at 7 am to go to the laundromat.  So I had my coffee and egg mcmuffin from mcdonalds.  Came home and made more coffee and put my laundry away. Drank two cups of coffee then I filled my coffee cup again and water bottle to go sit at my friend's apartment that is gone to get her inspection done. I walked the neighborhood.  I had cottage cheese, baby carrots, and watermelon for lunch. I'll have leftover pork steak and macaroni salad for supper. Then my snack will be a no sugar added fudgesicle,  Greek yogurt with chia seeds, and apple. 

Having a much better day today then I did yesterday. I was so tired yestetday, couldn't get motivated. Also I didn't like the scale either, I was up three pounds. I need to do something different with my diet.

Everyone have a good evening.


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